What are the benefits of performing arts?
Performing arts benefits a person in many ways. By performing arts, I mean when a person:
· Acts
· Sings
· Dances
· Or does anything creative in front of an audience.
The benefits of performing arts can be continual from childhood development through to adult life.
Performing arts can be extremely enriching and valuable to a person.
It can help to create well rounded, empathetic individuals.
How can performing arts help children’s personal development?
When a child is encouraged to explore their emotions, it helps them to learn how to vocalise how they might feel or act in certain situations. They become better at expressing themselves more effectively.
Role play
Role play is hugely important for child development as it gives them a safe space to step into a new character.
It will help a child to learn empathy.
In addition, to test the boundaries of right and wrong in a social interaction.
Creative arts stimulation
Stimulating the right side of the brain, through creative arts, expands a child’s imagination. Furthermore, this will help them to navigate the world around them.
Performing arts self expression
A child doing performing arts will find happiness in self-expression and in turn will develop
reduce anxiety
promote self-esteem
Acting, singing and public speaking not only develops a child's vocabulary but helps to improve relationships with peers.
Performance skills for adult life
In adult life, the skill of performance can be seen to empower people in their jobs. For example:
public speaking
leadership skills
building a strong character for a job in law enforcement
It is even used for people to stand up for their rights or demand change.
Above all, it brings happiness to the performer and the audience.